Monday, April 24, 2006

Picture Update...

I've been riding alot lately with lots of different people and the weather has been awesome too. Everyone has been riding awesome. Providence, Groton, and even the crappy little Warwick parks have been fun when the weather is nice and you're with the right people. Here are a few pictures that I haven't had the chance to put up...
Cory Champagne Boosting the crazy hip in Groton

Hang 5's are awesome and Garret Pyskaty is good at them

Table over the Bump in Providence

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Hello Spring

The weather has been awesome for riding. I'm sure so many people have been shredding lately. Garrett Pyskaty and I rode a couple days last week. Here's a little video for now, I'll put up some pics later. Go Ride!