Monday, September 25, 2006

Msc was Awesome!

Tonight was an awesome night. There were only about 5 people TOTAL in Msc. I went with Garrett Pyskaty and we basically had the whole place to ourselves. We both accomplished too much to list. I'll just show two cool photos... enjoy!

Garrett- One footed Table from quarter to quarter

Don- No Hander in the bowl

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Taunton, Worcester, Msc...

Monday was fun. Garrett Pyskaty and I went to Worcester, Ma for a little bit before the Msc Session. The weather was real nice to be outside and Msc was a cool scene. Matt Barkus and Jesse Williams were there shredding. I probably should have gotten the craziest trick ever that Matt Barkus pulled. He rolled fakie up a bank and did a half-cab tailwhip landing fakie again and pulling out of it! It took a little bit but was sooo worth it. Enjoy the pics..

Don- tricking the hip at Worcester

Jesse Williams- Barspin to icepick at Msc

Don- Fufanu at Msc

Garrett Pyskaty- Darkside Air at Taunton last week

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Any Takers?

Taunton session with Garrett was fun. I would rather have gone to Msc. Anyways I stripped down my bike and re-painted my frame. A picture of that will be up later. I'm going to sell my old Fly Frame. If anyone is interested email me at Or just post a comment with contact information. Later Guys.

For Sale... Fly Pantera Frame, Tan, 21 inch, Only $80