Craig Samuels Interview
How many years have you been riding? I would say about 7.
How long has your knee been messed up? 4 years, but there was a period in there where I was doing pretty good.
I didn't even think it has been that long. How did you originally get hurt and what happened? Well about 4 years ago I tore my ACL and some miniscal cartilage in my right knee doing some stupid tricks on the quarter pipe in my driveway. I didnt get surgery right away and ended up tearing more cartilage.
The toughest thing to realize in Bmx is that you can get seriously hurt like that. Now, What are your plans when it comes to getting it fixed so that you can finally be in full effect on your bike? Well I did get that fixed eventually and I was out for a solid 9 months. The best recovery plan is to not jump the gun and recover fully before starting up again, as hard as that is.
Are you getting another surgery done? Yea, not too long ago I re-injured that same knee. This time I just tore the miniscal cartilage again, so I shouldn't be out for nearly as long. Surgery is scheduled for March 30th.
After Surgery, What are your plans? How long do you plan on resting the knee? I don't know how long I'm supposed to be out for this one, but the doc said it's possible to be back at work in one week, but only if I can sit all day. So for now, I just plan to take it easy and go to physical therapy and really focus on recovering strong but fast.
That's a good plan. I know you are also interested in Filming, Photography, and you just got a new camera. Do you plan on putting that to more use? Definately, although there aren't very many people around here to film anymore, I guess I'll have to take some trips up to RI or have you guys come down here. I've got a bunch of ideas, both bmx and non-bmx related so I'm excited to have time to devote to that.
Any other things you plan on doing to pass the time? Not really cause I'll still be busy with work, and I'll also have to be going to physical therapy, so I guess I will actaually have less time to work on vids, hahaha.
I've been hurt for 2 weeks and I can't imagine what it's like for you put up and deal with it. What's the hardest thing for you to deal with about being hurt? Obviously not being able to ride to my full potential and not being able to push myself. Also it just sucks in day to day life, you don't realize how much you actually take for granted. For example, I can't run or jump or even get up from sitting on the floor without pain or risking hurting myself more. I feel like an old man and I'm only 21.
Well it's a good thing that you have a lot of friends who are here to support you and help you pass the time. You must be looking forward to this summer more than anyone. Yea definately, Im very thankful I have people who care about me. I'm prayng so hard that I'll be back in full effect by the summer.
Any last words or advise to someone who might be reading this? Dont be stupid like me and fall off your bike. And if you are going to fall off your bike, dont get hurt haha. Honestly, stretch before you ride so you dont tear any muscles, tendons, or ligaments. But most of all soak in all the great times on your bike when you aren't injured. And do work son.