Monday, February 18, 2008

Dondor Jam 2008

After being re-scheduled the jam finally went down! It was a pretty good turnout like always and everyone was riding awesome.. like always! It is the coolest feeling every year to look around a park and just see all of your best friends riding, laughing, and having a good time. Special Thanks to Tony Vecca at Tyrant Bmx for all the help and support. Also thanks to all my friends for coming out and having a good time! More photos on the Ride Tyrant website!!

Don Pavelka- Moto whip

Monday, February 11, 2008

Circuit Bmx Summer, Fall, and Winter Edit

Ever since Circuit Bmx opened you can tell that everyone in the area benefits from it. People from all over know eachother and meet up to go riding. If you break a part you can go over and Vic is always ready to do everything he can for you. That is what every bike shop should be. Props Vic, and thanks for making the scene what it is.

Summer Fall Winter 07 Footage from craig on Vimeo.